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Assigned a Soul
To my surprise I was assigned a soul to keep. Not that I hadn't always kept my sister's soul, but now I have the authority to officially keep it close and look after it. Falling back to a time which
alas does really belong to me and not to anyone else.
I brought her to you once before, and now I'm bringing her back for you watch over. Tend her like a child. She's cold and needs your warmth. She came to me to give you the message,
because she knows you will listen to me.
Why, after all of these years, after all of this time?
It's what you need to do right now at this time. There's a season for everything.
Now I keep her close to my heart. Some people feel cursed to live with the images of the dead and their spirits always near; not me. I feel so blessed. God has given me something wonderful
and I no longer fear it, I no longer feel troubled over it. My life makes more sense than ever--always near when death sweeps into the room with her white dress, even when I was born
Two deaths devastated the family upon my birth, and ever since the sight has flowered in me. Connecting this world and the next; not so much delivering their messages, but validating their presence and helping them to walk into the next world and be at peace, and healing the hearts of those they have left behind. I hold the train of the death bride as she walks through the isles.
Two spirits, one a sister, one a stranger, neither of my blood-kin, but both I love most of all, more than anyone else. No one knows what lurks in a heart, and rarely do we tell. When I take flight to the world of the invisible, I will seek their presence at once.
mpowered by life at this moment, I send them warmth, healing and love.
Before the soldier walks to his sacrificial post, before the old woman fades into her lavishly laced bedsheets, I will touch their souls and connect them with the great presence of what lies between. I wear the task like a silver crown, use it with reverence and graciousness.
For as long as I live I will pray for each soul, give them warmth and water, and reveal their messages. I bridge the worlds between us; a ghost bride I have become. I resolve to the task. Death is a jealous lover and no others shall be put before him.