Teresa F. Barker
I am celebrating 14 years on the Internet! I have added numerous pages over the years with interesting stories and information I have gathered over my decades of studying (and experiencing!) the world of the unknown.
I hope readers everywhere will find this an informative and interesting site. Occasionally I will add new pages and change the look--just to keep things up to date. I can be found on Face Book for anyone wanting to follow--both myself and the online store The Lady in the Moon. This site is a connecting point for my books and writing. I have spent most of my life studying other cultures, the mystical artes, paganism, spiritual beliefs and practices.
It's no secret that alternative beliefs and religions are becoming more accepted in society revealing new communities. My desire is to enlighten, entertain, and present writings to help those seeking answers on various topics. Some articles found here are fiction, some are based on research, and the b-log, for the most part is abstract thought, like some forms of poetry.
Some great points about a public page privately owned: No ads, nothing to sign up for or sign into, and all are free to visit inconspicuously at any time. I don't allow freedom of posts to the b-log without first reviewing them, but I do often answer posts when requested.
You may contact me at theladyteresa@gmail.com or via my Face Book page.
Happy reading.